Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Watching You Bloom

Dear Abby, where has the time gone? What a joyous day it was when you arrived! Even though you came a few weeks early, God was watching over you. I will never forget the moment I saw that tiny little face and said "She has red hair!" I can't describe the joy I experienced at that time.

You are the oldest of my six granddaughters and there is a lot I want to say to you. God has instructed the older women to teach the younger ones and I take that very seriously. Due to the distance between our homes and also the busyness of our lives, I will use this tool to meet with you. The other girls are much younger than you, but perhaps this will benefit them too.

You have two little sisters and a lot of cousins that look up to you. They need you to be an example of godliness and I know you will. You also have other godly women in your life that are mentors for you. How blessed you are to be in a Christian home!

You are at a wonderful age in life. We are watching you bloom right before our eyes! What a joy to be a part of it. When I am around you, I watch you and listen to you converse with others. I am reminded of a verse in the Bible that says "Life is faster than a weavers shuttle." It is so true. It seems only yesterday that your mom and aunt were your age. Believe it or not it doesn't seem long ago that I was your age.

A verse that profoundly impacted me at your age is "Remember thy creator in the days of thy youth." You are the age I was when God began to awaken in me a realization that He was very present and that He cared about my life. I am so thankful for godly people that He placed in my life at that time.

We recently talked about friends. Friends are so important. Young girls crave the friendships of other girls. As a matter of fact, so do us older girls. That's the way God made us. We must choose those friends wisely. Ask God to give you the right friends and He will. Look for those who know and love Him. Most of all, be a godly friend to others. If being godly turns others away, you will have to find other friends.

Be sure your mother is your closest confidant. She can steer you toward the right friendships. And don't forget those precious little sisters . They need your friendship so much. As they grow the three of you will have so much to share. My sisters are two of my closest friends.

You can make a difference in another's life simply by being a godly friend. "May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent one from the other." Love you very much, Grammy.

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