Saturday, July 28, 2012


Dear Abby,

Papa and I have been married for 40 years today and I want to tell you about our romance. We both gave our lives to serve the Lord in ministry at a young age. We left for Bible College at eighteen and met shortly after we arrived. We really didn't have "love at first sight" because real love comes from knowing someone not just looking at them.

It didn't take long for us to realize we wanted to spend our lives together after spending hours talking about what we each wanted to do with our lives. Our main goal was to serve the Lord and tell others around the world and here at home about His love for them. Neither of us had money to spend on dates so we would go watch basketball games in the field house (gym) and talk for hours on end. Our love grew quickly for each other out of the love we shared for the Lord.

We got married before our 20th birthdays! (Hard to imagine today.) We headed down the road to life and have had many adventures together. We never looked back or regretted marrying each other. We have been through some very tough times as everyone in life does, but it increased our love for each other more.

Abby, set your heart on pleasing God and ask Him to guide you in choosing a mate. He will not let you down. You must trust Him and guard your heart with all diligence. Papa gave me a card this morning and reminded me of a verse that he and I claimed for our marriage. It is "Oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together." Ps. 34:3. May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent one from the other. I love you very much.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Dear Abby,

I really feel impressed to talk to you about "old" people. A few generations ago the older people in our lives were treated with great respect and consideration. Some countries still place a high priority on the elderly. I was taught to be very respectful of anyone older than myself and to listen when they were speaking. When you think about it, they really have more to say than anyone else because they have lived longer and had more experiences.

When Papa plans a speaker for our church, he usually asks the older more experienced preachers to speak. The reason being he knows he can learn a lot from them. He and I have had the privilege of spending hours with older pastors and evangelists and their wives. We have taken every opportunity to ask questions and to glean from their years of experience.

I want to tell you about a Christian man that is about 104 yrs of age. To my knowledge he is still living. His name is George Beverly Shea. He has been singing for the Lord for most of his life and what an amazing voice he has! He was born in Canada into a Christian home. I think his father was a Methodist minister. He had the opportunity to have a career making a lot of money but chose to give his life in service to the Lord. He travelled and sang with the Rev. Billy Graham all over the world and saw countless numbers of people from many countries come to know the Lord. I love to listen to him sing because I know he is singing from his heart. I have listened to his testimony on YOU TUBE and been encouraged to know that this man has walked with God and found him to be faithful these many years. He has no idea how many people he has encouraged simply because he chose to serve God and stayed the course.

Abby, don't ever take for granted the "old" people in your life. Every time you get the opportunity to listen and observe one, pay attention. It may be in church or school or your home. Take the time to do a "search" of George Beverly Shea and I know you will be blessed by his testimony and his voice. May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent one from the other.


Monday, July 2, 2012


Dear Abby

You are on vacation with your family this week and I am enjoying just thinking about it! We were at the beach earlier this summer and if I close my eyes I can hear the ocean and feel that wonderful sense of relaxation you all are having. I just have one thing to say about your vacation with the family and that is "Enjoy every minute of it!" The memories you make together in these days of your youth will be with you forever. God has given you parents that work at making happy memories for you. He has also given you a brother and two sisters to enjoy. Have a wonderful time and savor every moment. May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent one from the other. I love you very much.
