Friday, February 3, 2012


Dear Abby,

Even at your age life has its ups and downs. The only way to remain peaceful is to be of a "steadfast mind" (Isa. 26:3-4). When all the drama of being a teen girl is front and center you must practice steadfastness. It simply means that you are aware of being supported by someone bigger than any human prop.

You must be trusting the Lord to sustain you. In Psalm 18 He is called "OUR ROCK", "OUR REFUGE", "OUR STRONG DELIVERER", "OUR FORTRESS", and "OUR HIGH TOWER"..... you get the picture. I remember my teen years fondly. I also remember that I was struggling to form the right responses to life's difficulties. Now is the time to learn that God is the one who will not disappoint you. He understands when others do not.

I have observed many Christian women that have wavered up and down when dealing with difficulties. They are fretful and unstable. On the other hand, I have seen others remain calm and at rest because they are of a steadfast mind. They have learned to trust in the Lord and not human reasoning. They know that He is who He says He is and He will sustain them.

You can choose to be steadfast. Read God's word, meditate on it, and ask God to make it real in your life. It will change you if you allow it to. You will find that He is trustworthy. You will become a solid woman of faith having proved Him in difficult times.

I want to be known for my steadfastness. I pray that one day you will look back at these years and tell your granddaughter that you made the decision to trust God in all your ways and that He did not disappoint you. I am telling you, my granddaughter, that He is trustworthy. He has never failed me.

May the Lord watch between you and me when we are absent one from the other. I love you very much.


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